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How to Remove Chocolate Stains

Now that you've tried, and loved, one of our delicious dark chocolates, we understand things can get messy. We've been there and we're here to help. Here's a quick step-by-step guide to help you remove that pesky stain.

Step 1: Remain Calm, Do NOT Rub

Everyone's gut instinct when they spill is to quickly wipe it away. When it comes to the combination of chocolate on clothes, that's not always the best option. Trying to wipe it off will most likely make the stain worse. 

If it's too late and you already did that, do not worry! You can still remove the stain with the following steps, it may just take a little extra effort.

Step 2: Remove the Excess

Now, you're going to want to remove any excess chocolate that's on top of the stain. Doing this will make the affected area much easier to clean. There are two ways to do this:

Try taking a damp cloth, sponge, or paper towel and lightly dab away the excess. When doing this it is important to be gentle as too much force can push the chocolate deeper into the fabric.

Or, you can scrape off the excess with an object that has a straight, flat edge such as a butter knife or credit card. Just pull the fabric tight and lightly scrape away!

Step 3: Rinse

Once any excess product is removed, take the clothing and rinse it with cold water. For best results, run the water through the opposite side of where the stain is to push the chocolate particles out of the fabric.

Step 4: Treat & Soak

Now, the stain must be treated with a cleaning agent to remove it. Depending on what's available to you, you can use laundry detergent, dish soap, or even baking soda for this step. Apply the preferred agent to the stain by gently rubbing it in to fully saturate the area.

Then, place the clothing into cold water to soak, gently scrubbing it every couple minutes and rinsing until the stain is no longer visible. For tougher stains, you may need to reapply to the cleaning agent in between rinses.

Step 6: Wash It

Once the stain has been treated and soaked, the difficult part is done. Now all you have to do is toss the clothes into the laundry and wash as normal!

While you wait for your laundry to complete, sit back, relax, and enjoy another one of our delicious chocolates...but be more careful this time.

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